Friday, November 28, 2008

Anesthesia And Heart Palpitations

Umzug vollbracht

Values readership!

I am moved. As of now it is only people, animals, sensations.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Read Hitchhiker's Game

Ein Sommer wie damals

was used to from my summer home, illegal Ferial work and vacation trips with neither temporary nor psychologically predictable end result. This year I have to let me train. And nothing I've blogged. I'm sorry. I will change that. Maybe not today, but tomorrow more likely. Actually I wanted to let

buried Dialecticle Massacre, where else raised at all and do everything differently. So with your own domain, pretty layout, imprint, etc. This is me right now just too stupid. But poor me, I come before, with my template. Nevertheless, I consider myself now to the most important of all wisdom Blogger (activity, not the program):

who has nothing to say right now, should write nothing but create facts:

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Uc Berkeley Supplemental Questionnaire Accepte

Dringliche Anfrage:

If dolphins / dolphins are so smart, why do not they stick to far away from tuna fish?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

How To Use A Fondue With Sterno

Playmobil Geschichten

So I drove myself as a young boy the time:

medieval city life at the children's room desk, the fear of friends who wanted to play well and always the nagging issue of "war" selected. And then the joint reconstruction, in which even helped the Pirates by Peaks delivered by ship, and was allowed to live the royal family for the renovation period on their island. What, however, had the actual tenant, the domestic long Robin Hood and his wedded wife Maryann, including children, into the forest, where the now ravaged by alcohol Friar Tuck a dive bar with restaurant and brothel led.
And finally, the big question: What the hell am I supposed to do with this race car? Thanks, Michael J. Fox, you saved my universe, because suddenly I had a time machine that landed with great astonishment of the urban middle class in the middle of the market place and shortly afterwards along with the princess disappeared.
really guilty were not found, delete it in order to feed the people for blood, three tramps the lion accused before the city gate, which, as luck would have it so just the right time in the direction of Savannah were traveling, and a snack could agree. Yeah, it happened a lot in the city, and the king never learned anything from the sinister machinations of his wife, in the basement of the royal timber Bauhaus, ran a dubious establishment, in which Lady Maryann waitress because it was superseded by the domestication of her husband, the only source of income and he began to drink, in turn, ecstatic his old friend Friar Tuck much, as the hard-earned money by Lady Maryann of post flowed into his oversized pockets. An economic system in which even then eventually the church was big business.
Thankfully discovered the pirates in the meantime, Vinland, and brought a couple appeared on my birthday Indians who had once put away the dung of lions that had been settled at the gates, as the king more and more pleased with the entertainment division "execution "took place.
Thanks But one of Napoleon's body guard the gates were safe again and went the Indians, as they were now unemployed and without hope of Friar Tuck and Robin Hood in the forest, where they began to indulge in the fire water, while Lady Maryann from day to day to day toil longer had to finance the enormous consumption of alcohol by her husband. Ultimately they had to sell even their bodies, and to the king, which was therefore rather grotesque, since he knew nothing about the sideline of his wife. When he found out, got the lion to eat something, and the big question arose: Who will be the new queen? The first was dead, Lady Maryann broke (but now also had a consumptive but still very skilled in archery husband).
As luck would have seemed but one day the time machine in the city, along with the beautiful princess, who led in the meantime, a fashion boutiques in New York, and grown had become. The king had to act, ultimately lacked the large and fragile kingdom a queen. He married his own daughter. But the marriage remained childless, unfortunately, and so the king had to adopt an Indian child who had become the first child of an alcoholic history.
The times were harder, the economy stagnated, and Friar Tuck were richer. Everything seemed the stream go down, and when all been on a stock market collapse waiting (the former brothel of the Queen was now converted into a house of money, which was funded by Friar Tuck and his drinking buddies Robin and "Dancing Feather" led) came the unthinkable.
The Emperor, a distant relative of the king and the Prussian uniform after, sent out messengers to prepare for war. The king seized the opportunity and snatched the people out of his depression by he could prepare a 50-strong army, which hastened the Emperor for help. In general, war fever even woke Robin Hood his old fighting spirit again after he had learned from "Dancing Feather" the art of scalping, which meant that many people with no hair and with a large hole in the head the contaminated forest.
subjected They departed, the hero of the city. But few returned, for the war in the Far Prussia was not this adventure trip that had all expected. In the meantime hatten die Piraten die Herrschaft über die Stadt übernommen und logierten in einem auf Sand gelaufenen Piratenschiff, während der König bei Bruder Tuck Zuflucht fand und von diesem Zeitpunkt an die verschimmelten Weinfässer reinigen musste.

Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm Looking For Honey Pine Paint

Satz des Augenblicks VIII

Die Spanier waren wirklich besser. Aber im Gegensatz zu denen haben wir wenigstens Humor.

(Ein enttäuschter deutscher Fan auf dem Parkplatz des Westbahnhofs, wenige Stunden nach der Finalniederlage)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Tattoo Font Genorator

Vorrunde: Der Versuch einer Bilanz

Die Vorrunde ist vorbei. Höchste Zeit, meine eigene Bilanz über die Vorrunde zu ziehen, bevor heute Abend, so die Götter wollen, die Deutschen aus dem Turnier fliegen. Eigentlich hegte ich 2006 certain amount of sympathy for the German team, now can not stop the resignation of the Austrians and my personal favorites are Portugal. Seis drum.

Group A - Switzerland

Why Switzerland fell due to poor test match results in pure pessimism, is beyond me. Because even someone who loses to Canada, can scatter optimism. Also, the fact that national team coach Kobi Kuhn after Euro by Othmar Hitzfeld will be replaced, is no reason for leaving. Stuff like that can inspire even, it seems (see van Basten).
Winner of the Swiss team is certainly Hakan Yakin, the race compared to Ivo Vastic full 90 minute kann. Ist halt auch noch jünger. Besonders schlecht ist mir keiner aufgefallen. Auch egal. Die Schweiz war als erste Mannschaft aus dem Turnier, war Teil der wunderbaren Wasserschlacht von Basel und hat als einzige Mannschaft die zweite Garnitur eines Titelfavoriten abgeschossen. Dafür höchsten Respekt.


Höchste Zeit, was zu ändern. Pechvogel der Mannschaft war Torhüter Cech, der große Winner (da staune ich sogar selbst) Libor Sionko. Verkehrte Fußballwelt, Ausscheiden verdient.


Dass mit Einbürgerungen auch Namensänderungen verbunden sind, wirkt seltsam. Dank trotzdem an den großen Nihat für das heartrending play of the first round. A candidate for higher orders has taken such a stupid Schupfer same for two games of the tournament. Schade, Volker Demirel prefer, you player with the most characteristic face.


is Heuer's what. Absolutely. Figo away at last, the other in the usual top form. Particularly struck me is the little Moutinho, Ronaldo has disappointed substitute Nani.

Group B - Austria

Hicke stay! As Good as It may well be not. All of course, has played fürchertlich Gercaliu, but I'm rather sorry if the constant bashing. A lousy performance but was granted them. Aus diesem Grund, mein Alltime-Loser: Rene Aufhauser. Kopfballstärke reicht vielleicht für einen Stürmer als Argument (und nicht mal das), nicht aber für einen 6er. Plumpe Bewegungen, zögerliche Passes und kein einziger ach so gefährlicher Kopfball. Heißer Minus-Kandidat ist natürlich auch Andreas Ivanschitz, der so gut wie gar nichts zeigte. Weder als "Kreativer" noch als "Leithammel". Unterdurschnittliche Leistung, die Schleife bitte schnell an Martin Stranzl weitergeben. Oder am besten gleich an Sebastian Prödl. Die schönste Rettungsaktion hat neben van Bronkhorst sicherlich Garics gegen die Deutschen gezeigt. Auch sonst eine herrliche Offensivleistung des Verteidigers. Der Rest der Mannschaft war zu jung, alt, nervous, out of place or too close to madness. Martin Hiden is after all the first ecologically-balanced kicker in the world. Wow.


The summer fairy tale 2008 looks like a terrible brew. The so-called tournament team has survived at least for the first time since 1996 the European Championship preliminaries. Well, then they have won, but they have shown great so far. Ballack's free kick was fast, but somehow macho way in the wrong direction. Gomez could be even a local striker hope has been playing great most Clemens Fritz.


who calls himself favorite should, in theory . Excrete The fact that the Croats do the devil and grab nine points, respect. Luka Modric is of course good as expected, but my full sympathy is Klasnic, with the donor kidney aufgeigt like never before.


remains Hopefully Benhakker to home-EM (and if at all ...) Best man for me clearly fended off goalkeeper Boruc, whose genitals Austria out of the tournament. Bak, however, was his club league grottenschlecht under.

Group C - Holland

Simply beautiful. And the surprising turn: It is working. That van Basten to make it in his last tournament as coach could finally be Bond, but the worthy old Cruyff belch sour, he has it. For leaving the Dutch are still always good. A player ranking is simply not there, the decision would be too difficult. The biggest surprise for me, but van Nistelrooy, who has still not well integrated into the long offensive spectacle of the oranges. All others are simply top. Impressive. Nice to see you all the best on my part.


bumpy start, the whole body tattooed. If only Buffon would not be so fascist, I can admire him. Trost Points are awarded for head-nebulizer Luca Toni, Materazzi Häme for Hobble. The Italians would probably schon fix im Finale, würden sie im Viertelfinale nicht ohne die Milan-Zentrale Pirlo und Gattuso antreten müssen. Denn Toni wird wohl kein Tor schießen.


Zeit wird's für den Umbau, angefangen bei Astrologie-Sünder Domenech. Seine Aufstellungs- und Auswechselpolitik gegen Italien war wohl gänzlich falsch ausgependelt. Und auch Ribery hätte meiner Meinung nach nicht mehr viel verändern können. Tolles Spiel gegen Holland, das Ergebnis tut halt weh.


Bis zum letzten Tag mein Geheimfavorit für den zweiten Tabellenpplatz. Dass sie sich doch nicht durchschummeln konnten, darf jetzt nur keine Renaissance für Obermotzer Haji mean, even if that mean for the World Cup qualification but good. Hopefully, Mutu calmed eventually.

Group D - Spain

Similar to Holland and Portugal from the beginning promised in the sky. The felt physically smallest midfield of Villa and Torres EM operated perfectly. But the pitch is, as so often, probably to come. Nice surprise: Senna.


same system and same players for years. A tried Ibrahimovic, who has brought the missing passes from midfield by yourself, no one was there to hold face-off. Larsson, should all the respect in spite of really slow think of a final withdrawal. Also, a new coach would be appropriate.


The 20th Century has been defeated. Thanks to all!


luck Gus Hiddink, who wanted to leave his boys collect only tournament experience and now compete with his new football home needs. Putin had taken the Olympic Games will probably get more the World Cup or the European Championship in Russia. Best player? Stupid question ...

Friday, June 13, 2008

How Do Use A Sport Mouthpiece With Braces

4 Tage Hoffnung

The description of the football yesterday evening I had better leave the poster named kräutrpolizei found in FM4 EM-Journal :

2 hour wait in the WUK
45 minutes
1 minute installation joy
2 minutes players enter euphoria
1 minute national anthem and faces read
20 minutes madness - cheer, shout, curse, despair
1 minute juxen with female poland-fans

10 minutes foreboding
5 seconds a selffullfilling phrophecy
1 minute Polish cheering
15 minutes stunned disbelief, curses feel

half time 15 minutes, 1 minute but again hopeful

5 nix
minutes 5 nix
minutes 5 minutes nothing
1 minute of standing with me aufmunterungsversuche fans
a minute to explain that it always läuft und dass ich das als fan nicht mehr aushalt
5 minuten nix
5 minuten nix
5 minuten nix
5 minuten nix
1 minute entscheiden ob man früher geht
10 minuten noch zu spielen
5 minuten becher abgeben
5 minuten bis zur ubahn
5 minuten fahrt
5 sekunden handy läuten
30 sekunden elfmeter
20 minuten ärger
1 stunde nachbericht schauen
2 stunden debattieren und abregen

4 tage hoffnung...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Nice Thing To Write On Wedding Card

Satz des Augenblicks VII

Der Lifeball ist ein Schwulenball, auf dem wir versuchen, Aids zu verhindern. Punkt. ( Niki Lauda in Willkommen Österreich )

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Comunity Service Completion

Dramatic Lemur

How could this pearl so far past me go. Has after all been a little over 4 (twenty four) million views:

thanks to you, Lassie!

Pretty is also the Remix .

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Biology Lab One Diffusion And Osmosis

In einer absoluten Welt...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Why Does My Leg Twitch When I Sit Down

The Big Brown

just occurred to me that I have not yet written about the U.S. election. Well, maybe it is that Barack Obama make quite possibly the race of the Democrats, John Edwards his vice is and Hillary Clinton has squandered much money for nothing.

A nice story I found in me less and less estimated Weltwoche . Accordingly, Clinton was last week at the Kentucky Derby in Louisville as a guest and put their money on Eight Belles, the only mare in the race. Traritrara, the horse managed only second place. The winner is the favorite: Big Brown . (Potentially racist, sexist subtext exceptionally short or hide the story is just too good).

Go Obama!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Colloidal Silver Meijer

Satz des Augenblicks VI

music does not interest me really. I hear pretty much everything. ( Erwin "Jimmy" Hoffer in einem Kurier-Interview)

Das seltsam anmutende "Jimmy" kommt übrigens von einer angeblichen Ähnlichkeit zum US-amerikanischen Gewerkschaftsführer Jimmy Hoffa . Urteilen Sie bitte selbst.

Friday, April 18, 2008

What To Wear To Mardi Gras Blog


Wie gerne erinnert man sich in diesen Zeiten doch an die Jahre, als die österreichische National-Elf auch außerhalb des Krankl’schen „Mia hom 3:3 gwunnan“ noch ein Begriff war. Dem ist sich auch ein allseits bekanntes Leitmedium bewusst, das in seiner heutigen Ausgabe über das Gemälde „ Wunderteam “ von Paul Meissner berichtet.

Die hopsenden Hasen haben then a lot achieved. The content of the painting is the leading media already indicated a "typical" history, "typical of the period after World War II that a defeat was chosen as the epitome of success". About this set, I think now after for hours, it can not decipher, for better or for worse. Soccer table, the "legendary" 3:4 defeat against England in 1932, is meant. The rest opens up probably somewhere back in secret.

That Matthias Sindelar should be "rumors" have been a Nazi victim, I leave it at that.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ap Bio Lab 8 Population Genetic Answers


The Tyrolean police seems to be my passion sharing for personal abstraction via letter avatars:

at 11.04.2008 it came in Absam between any two 14-year old students (A and B) of a dispute, where A accused B, that he at a teachers' betrayed "I. A was therefore B after class "ambush" and a lesson. In
filed after the one at the bus stop in the parish church Absam, several classmates were waiting with other young people on the bus. In this case B was detected by one of the young people suddenly from behind and held. A has now been invited from the surrounding young people, to retaliate for B. A king refused to hit B and wanted the dispute . Enclose As a result, B could separate from the encirclement. A 16 year old apprentice (C), who was following the controversy mixed, then suddenly, and was with the settlement of the dispute not agree. He wanted to see a fight and now B of A to beat. To emphasize his demand, lifted up his C T-shirt and his sweater and showed B is a blank firing pistol, which was in his pants. Moreover, according to the C B should do this not what he wanted, he would even use the gun. B was frightened and felt put in fear and anxiety. At the same time a bus stopped at the stop at B and fled into the public transport. He subsequently filed a Display on the PI Hall iT On the same day, officials from the PI Hall iT a follow-up in the room of the C carried out. This blank cartridges and ammunition were found. C itself was on 12/04/2008 voluntarily to the PI Hall iT was up and down the blank firing pistol. The other surveys are under way.
link is

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pink Spot On Dogs Lip


The trip itself frowned upon in many circles, he remembers is often very very reactionary bourgeois style of summer freshness. Serve as a place of anti-urbanism afternoon then also relics from the double-eagle-time, then it rings properly in boboesquen moral structure. Oh, how beautiful Laxenburg. Winding paths, adventurous Electric boat routes and kitschy buildings, as you pay the 1.50 € entrance almost blithely. And honestly the people there are, I can tell them. A forgotten pocket on our part was not as usual, but otherwise eviscerated neatly made when posting. Fear is as out of place.

careful one should be on the other hand, textile Mueller Kritzendorf. Although the material found there a place insanity, which invites you to stay longer, this is not advisable. The rather large moths distributed stated as to the fact that we were good for one hour attack of vertigo. Not a good prerequisite for a ride on the Kahlenberg, but one is finally like even a warhorse. Redheaded senior citizens with up to 20 mixtures in the face, heavily armed young people disillusioned with CB radio and especially the one or the other, the poles are already worth it. But such a dashing gravel pit in Vösendorf, which only makes it the most.

And I can think of no good ending, since the story itself, perhaps not so good, there are still a little linguistic history: The word trip of bird and insect world is based. The dashing Philippe of Zesen invented the term by the term rather freely translated excursion. From Zesen was a diligent translator anyway.

words he coined, were among others: comma, library, faith, passion, universe, and the wonderful caricature upstart.

stuff has prevailed not, unfortunately: flash fire excitement (electricity) , Virgin kennel (monastery) , Meuchelpuffer (gun) or Lotter bed (sofa)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

What Do The Chambelanes Do

Lyrik für's Seelenheil

Jatsu tsappari dikkari dallan
tittari tillan titstan dullaa,
dipidapi dallaa ruppati rupiran
kurikan Kukka yes kirikan kuu.
Ratsatsaa yes ripidabi dilla stan
berit dillan dellan doo. A
baribbattaa baribbariiba
ribiribi distanced dellan doo. Yes
Barillas dillan daba daba daba deia Dooa
daba daba duvja vuu.
Baristal Dilla dillan duu ba daga
Daiga Daida duu duu deiga dou

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ill I Make Money Investing With Edward Jones

Die Jungschar des 21. Jahrhunderts

For ORF Future Zone characterized Mr. ass the typical monochrome member

light diffracted transition [keyboard attitude], humorous, not aggressive . Speaks dialect mixed with incomprehensible loan words. [Monochrome is such a thing as the young crowd in the 21 Century: One drives on summer camps, without believing in God].

How it looks:

Og Mudbone Post Office

Tante Oscar

alone go for a bite, this is such a thing. One enters the restaurant, hoping for a table. You really do not disrupt other conversations or even become involved with. Almost impossible in this regard: The MQ-canteen. Even before I entered the dismal response to the Non smoking area, was revealed to me a small, free small table. I was satisfied, took out my magazine Bobo, Bobo-ordered my juice and went for the Bobo-instant number one.

seconds later ...

"Have you just sat there, or do sie gehen?"

"Ich sitze."

"Achso. Schade."

Sie wirkte bedrückt. Ihre ältere weibliche Begleitung war regelrecht erbost und stampfte Richtung Ausgang. Das kann man doch nicht zulassen, dachte ich mir und sagte: "Aber Sie können sich ruhig hersetzen."

Nun ist es ja so, dass ich, ist der erste Gram überwunden, ja gar nicht so ungern fremden Konversationen lausche.

Eine kurze Profilerstellung der beiden Damen: Ältere Dame (A) spricht über ihre Reisen nach Persien (gemeint ist Iran). Junge Dame (B) ist begeistert. B lebt mit ihrer Familie in London und ist auf Besuch hier. B möchte Persisch lernen. A fragt, ob B denn langweilig sei und B recalls the fact that it was their own choice to act as a housewife and mother. B acts depressed and agrees. A does not cease to pester B. "Are the Midlife Crisis, ha?" "Gives your man enough attention, eh?"

I eat my food, read any article and be quiet.

A can not refrain from expressing Curry with [a] instead of [ö] and complains that the soup is too thin. B, it seems to reach out slowly. I am preparing myself for the payment process.

Suddenly, the involvement.

B: "You look like you were working here, is not it?"

still in doubt whether I am honored and should be offended, I say "quasi".

starts the meaningless small talk.

A wants to pay, adding: ". I have to keep the bill for my nephew"

Me: "Aha"

A: "The fact has to pay so much tax."

Me: "Aha"

A: "Do you know who is my nephew?"

Me: "No"

A: "Do you know it?"

Me: "Yes"

A: "The Stefan Ruzowitzky, who won an Oscar."

Me: "Net bad."

A: "A crazy, right?"

Me: "Yes, numbers please."

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Can You Just Close Your Eyes When Tanning

Satz des Augenblicks V

Roger Köppel, Editor of the World Week speaks in a standard interview :

proposes For the Swiss Protestant sadness by getting this, even a certain ruthlessness. Since these basic transmission would be desirable, as they maintain the Catholic Austrians. They need to be less about shear that they now fall on the head, what they said yesterday. Catholics can, thanks to the general confession probably a little more flexible with the reality around . The Swiss do thus much heavier.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Poster Sayings For Prom

Child in the Hood

Bud Spencer und Terence Hill drehen einen neuen Film und mir sind die Mandeln nachgewachsen und haben sich auch gleich ordentlich entzündet. Hallo Kindheit!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Easy Way To Make Dora Backpack

Es war einmal die Medien

Ein Tag im Winter 2008: Für den klassischen Schullehrfilm sieht es alles andere als gut aus. In einer Welt der Powerpointpräsentationen und der Downloadplattformen kommt er sich ein bisschen vor wie Cat Stevens in einer Welt der Powerpointpräsentationen und der Downloadplattformen. Dabei könnte er die Zielgruppe da abholen, wo sie abgestellt wurde. Aber wie?! In einer Sprache von heute etwa, so zeitlos wie möglich und so zeitgemäß wie nötig?

Vielleicht! Und mit Themen, die der unmittelbaren Erfahrungswelt der SchülerInnen entstammen?! Why not! Das Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur handelt: Der alte Schullehrfilm muss der neue Schullehrfilm werden, damit Lerninhalt Lerninhalt bleiben kann.

Unter der Regie der bekannten Medienkünstlerin Amina Staniescu (u. a. Hans-Heinz-Hensler-Preis Dortmund 2005, Teilnahme an der Videonale Zagreb 2006) entsteht der erste „Schullehrfilm 2.0“ (Klappentext) „Es war einmal die Medien“ – der interessante Attempt Teledidaxe with a contemporary design language revamp. And that of course needs the appropriate soundtrack.

The choice is Tonki Gebauer (Lampshade, Artist in Resistance, Sennheiser X, DJ AC / DJ), who had already struck with the soundtrack to "The Big Country" (Austrian Documentary Award 2004). On 27 February meeting, both in Gebauer's studio in Sopron, in order to see the rough cut. There ensues a brutal analysis of the specific form of media of late bourgeois society and its function.

with Susa Meyer Reinhold G. Moritz
Buch: Frank Apunkt Schneider und Johannes Grenzfurthner / Regie: Johannes Grenzfurthner

Im Volkstheater Wien 29. Februar; 3., 10., 26., 31. März und 4. April 2008 jeweils um 22.30 Uhr und am 12. März 2008 um 22 Uhr.