Friday, May 16, 2008

Why Does My Leg Twitch When I Sit Down

The Big Brown

just occurred to me that I have not yet written about the U.S. election. Well, maybe it is that Barack Obama make quite possibly the race of the Democrats, John Edwards his vice is and Hillary Clinton has squandered much money for nothing.

A nice story I found in me less and less estimated Weltwoche . Accordingly, Clinton was last week at the Kentucky Derby in Louisville as a guest and put their money on Eight Belles, the only mare in the race. Traritrara, the horse managed only second place. The winner is the favorite: Big Brown . (Potentially racist, sexist subtext exceptionally short or hide the story is just too good).

Go Obama!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Colloidal Silver Meijer

Satz des Augenblicks VI

music does not interest me really. I hear pretty much everything. ( Erwin "Jimmy" Hoffer in einem Kurier-Interview)

Das seltsam anmutende "Jimmy" kommt übrigens von einer angeblichen Ähnlichkeit zum US-amerikanischen Gewerkschaftsführer Jimmy Hoffa . Urteilen Sie bitte selbst.