Saturday, May 22, 2010

Publix Grocery Delivery Service

nationwide in memory

Als einzige Künstlerin nimmt Susanne Schumacher an der bundesweit ausgeschriebenen Kunstausstellung der GEDOK unter dem Titel "1810 - 2010 ... und die Romantik lebt" als Bildende Künstlerin aus Hannover teil. An der Ausschreibung der GEDOK Hannover für alle AK und BK Künstlerinnen der Regionalen GEDOK Gruppen haben 53 Künstlerinnen teilgenommen und sich der Jury gestellt. 20 Künstlerinnen aus der Bundesrepublik wurden angenommen. Titel "1810 - 2010 ... und die Romantik lebt". Die ausstellenden Participants: Susanne Opheys, Cologne; Janine Gerber, Barnitz, Ingeborg Schmidthüsen, Moers, Renate Pustan, Freiburg, Evelyn Steinmetz, Lübeck, Antje Seeger, Dresden; Karola Nordt, Leverkusen, Katja Fischer, Nuremberg, Elke Fischer, Rupp layer Roth, Angela Bröhan, Berlin; Frauke Weissflog, Hildesheim, Barbara Thom-Kollross, Reutlingen; Yonn-Ok Ou, Ingelheim, Brigitte Baldauf, Krefeld; Renate Gehrke, Pappenheim, Evelyn Ebert, Münster; Claudia Christoffel, Bremen, Gudrun students, Bayreuth, Eugenia Gortchakova, Oldenburg and Susan Schumacher, Hannover. Participate in the exhibition alongside the visual arts to other sections of GEDOK Hannover with the divisions: Applied Kunst, Literatur, Musik, Rezitation/Darstellende Kunst.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What In Real Life Has Supplementary Angles

1810-2010 ... and the romance lives

1810 - 2010 ...und die Romantik lebt.
Fotografieprojekt zum Thema Romantik von Susanne Schumacher: Modelle zum Thema Romantik gesucht!
Wer kommt als Modell in Frage? Ganz selten ist ein Wettbewerb derart offen. Das Alter spielt keine Rolle. Ob männlich oder weiblich – egal. Wie groß er oder sie ist, Ihr Gewicht? Ganz egal! Schön, wenn Sie in Ihrer Kleidung zum Thema Romantik etwas besitzen. Ich möchte gern Fotografien zum Thema - 1810 - 2010 ...und die Romantik lebt - für ein bundesweit ausgeschriebenes Künstlerprojekt erstellen, zudem ich Modelle suche.

Die Idee: Ich would like to portray people in period costume, in Burgdorf against a historical backdrop this year, there are many Burgdorfer houses were built 200 years after the fire. These photos are then in a professional exhibition. This exhibition will show other artists from all over Germany their projects on romance.

Only one criterion, charisma and motivation to empathize with in this project. An exciting, interesting face, and clothes that fit the Romantic period. I consciously work at this project not professional models, so the photos look as authentic as possible.

can you make money? Unfortunately not. But you will have fun haben. Einmal erleben, wie ein Fotografieprojekt abläuft und danach Fotos von dem Event erhalten und schließlich werden Sie in einer Ausstellung zu sehen sein, an dem Sie selbst als Model dabei waren.

Lust, mitzumachen? Dann bewerben Sie sich. Bis spätestens 30. Juni mit einem aussagekräftigen Foto unter
Als Betreff "Romantik" angeben, und in einem oder zwei Sätzen etwas über Ihre Person erläutern und wie und womit Sie dabei sein werden.

Eine Jury wird die Bewerbungen sichten und dann entscheiden, welche Kandidaten zum endgültigen Casting eingeladen werden.

Sie müssen kein Fotomodell sein, auch nicht in einem historischen Kostüm sich Show but see if that might fit in her closet on this issue. Possibly a historical screen, straw hat, a matching dress, a suit, a cylinder, people with a historical-looking beard are welcome, children in a romantic dress, ... You may have even costumes of yesteryear and those for the event can provide. Maybe you cut something else in for the day of July.


The basic themes of romance are feeling, passion, individuality and individual experience.
The romance is a cultural-historical era, the late 18th Century until well into the 19th Century into it lasted and in particular in the fields of fine arts (1790-1840), literature (1795-1848) and music (core period from 1820 to 1850) said.
For the present, general usage, the term romance with the adjective meet romantic the property of an object or an event, people with love and longing, as in the phrases "romantic love", "Romantic Music" or "a romantic letter" .
came to mass propagation of romanticism it than at the end of the 18th Century, after an era of relative calm in which many conflicts have been settled by diplomatic means, suddenly the French Revolution and Napoleon covered the continent of Europe with wars.
found through industrialization rather than big social changes, the new world of machines led to urbanization and rural exodus, a former subordinate security was conceived for the romantics in resolution. The Carlsbad Decrees were the Romantics on the background of their more individualistic attitude as a reason to flee into melancholy and fantastic, surreal or just Biedermeier worlds and so escapist largely from social life to withdraw or turn away from him and a small-town idyll .

implementation and goal of my idea:
I want to carry this time of romance and sense in the present day in poetic images / Fotografien.Es me comes to innovative forms, new relationships, personal modernity, renewal and optimism. I would like to invite people to an event / meeting at which they are loaded in proper style and similar costumes from the Romantic period to a picnic to the merry gatherings and photo opportunity. (Date: July 25) The aspect of sharing the food plays a role in this (everyone should contribute something to the picnic and share). This event is also held as collateral, to possibly later to describe the classes in the approach and the discussion be conducted with the romance. Event location for the meeting and photography Burgdorf. Burgdorf is one of the few places with a castle, which presents a framework beams small-town idyll as a backdrop that has emerged in this year 200 years after the fire. The town itself is over 700 years old, but most is 200 years after the fire originated.

The photograph was used in this article courtesy of August Ohm, Ohm Foundation, Hamburg.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

How Big Is The Biggest Curling Iron U Can Buy

13th ZINNOBER-art public run on 4 Hannover and 5 September 2010. Susan Schumacher in the gallery here GEDOK

13th ZINNOBER-art public run on 4 Hannover and 5 September 2010. Susan Schumacher in the gallery here GEDOK