Friday, December 31, 2010

What Weave Does Lauren London Wear

God Nytt AR

Ihr Lieben das Jahr 2010 geht zur Neige,
für mich war 2010 ein sehr ereignisreiches und erfolgreiches Jahr.
Meinen Blog gibt es am 25.03.2011 nun schon zwei Jahre.
Was mit "Just for Fun" begann ist für mich eine Herzensangelegenheit geworden.
Ich liebe es in euren wundervollen Blogs zu stöbern,
eure traumschönen Fotos zu bestaunen,
eure interessanten und inspirierenden Beiträge zu lesen,
eure leckeren Rezepte nach zu backen und eure Bastelanleitungen zu basteln.
Ich habe wundervolle Menschen kennen gelernt und das ist wirklich eine wahre Bereicherung.
Ich wünsche euch und euren Familien für das neue Jahr,
natürlich alles erdenklich Gute, Glück, Gesundheit und wundervolle Momente.

Von Rolf Zuckowski

Um vier wird's schon dunkel,
der Wind weht von Ost,
die Luft schmeckt schon lange nach Schnee.
The city is adorned
still playing crazy and restless
says goodbye to Christmas.
The year is ending,
verglühn the candles
but the light stays on in you.
The year is ending,
verglühn the candles
but the light stays on in you.
you realize it really is already so far
and feel how it tickles in my blood.
you think of the year,
see what once was,
and you wonder: Was it bad or good?
The year is ending,
verglühn the candles
but the light stays on in you.
The year is ending,
verglühn the candles, but
das Licht leuchtet weiter in dir.

Und strahlt dann am Abend noch einmal der Baum,
dann leuchten die Augen so hell.
Die Zukunft erwacht
aus dem Dunkel der Nacht,
und die Träume verfliegen so schnell.

Das Jahr geht zu Ende,
die Kerzen verglühn,
doch das Licht leuchtet weiter in dir.
Das Jahr geht zu Ende,
die Kerzen verglühn,
doch das Licht leuchtet weiter in dir.

Herzliche Grüße

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Kaboom Jvc Adaptateur 12v


your loved ones in 2010 is low.
fulfilled the miracle of Christmas / te us with the desire for harmony and peace.
I hope you all had a great time, nice encounters and a happy heart?

You will not believe it, but I have actually managed to cope ;-))),
my TO-DO list. The dark circles under my
eyelids are indeed unmistakably ...
but yes I have time to get everything ready ;-))).
We spent wonderful hours ...
It was touching the sparkling eyes of children to see.
Christmas with children takes in my opinion a bit
childhood memories from his own childhood
and thus the magic of Christmas is back within reach.
a love you I want to address to you, I was overwhelmed with a lot of lovely cards,
e-mails and even a package I received ...
Thank you so much I was touched very much, so I really did not expect.

Even my husband, my children, my family and my friends
I want to thank,
Ihr habt mich wirklich sehr überrascht...
danke für die wunderschönen Geschenke.
der 25.12. ist mein Geburtstag ;-))), ja viele von euch haben es erraten ;-))).
Wir haben ganz viel Neuschnee bekommen und nach vielen gemütlichen Stunden in der

tatsächlich weihnachtlich geschmückten Stube ;-))) machten wir heute einen ausgedehnten Spaziergang durch die Ober-Olmer Winterlandschaft. Unterwegs haben wir diese Impressionen eingefangen:
The Lillehus Weihachtsverlosung is in the 3rd and final round.
I will extend the raffle until 31.12.2010 ... so who still want to have to hop in the Lostopf I can to 31.12. leave a comment here ...

are preliminary it is a small gift for you. Just press the top of the image and take you the instructions for making a few bags of tree ... too late but maybe just save for next year ;-))).

Mit dem "Traum von Bethlehem "von Thomas Schwab Christmas Moments
verabschiede ich mich von euch und wünsche euch und euren Familien,

Frohe Weihnachten und einen schönen zweiten Weihnachtsfeiertag.

Herzliche Grüße
Jenny mit Familie

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Watchfree Movies En Espanol

4th Advent & Min familj i Snön

reichlich spät, ja ich weiß,
...hoffe Ihr hattet einen schönen 4.Adventsonntag und lasst Ihn gerade ruhig und kuschelig ausklingen?
My family is asleep, the three are all done completely after a long day in the snow ;-))).
My humble self had to still sort out your X-million pictures and arrange ;-))). Can not sleep
, because I have a thousand thoughts buzzing around in my head ~
how to just my TO - DO manage list in exactly 4 days
~ after I all day yesterday & night sewn and have orders processed Lillehus,
I was just out today, die frische Luft und den Neuschnee genießen.
Dabei sind diese wunderschönen Impressionen entstanden.
So sehr ich auch das MEER vermisse,
muss ich gestehen wir wohnen doch wirklich sehr schön hier in Ober-Olm.
~ Neele ist wie ich ein Winterkind und das ist unverkennbar. Sie liebt den Schnee und genoss den Tag in vollen Zügen. Auch meine Große (Celine) bekam einfach nicht genug vom Schlittenfahren.
~Der krönende Abschluss war eine große Schneeballschlacht mit Papa.

~ ein leicht schlechtes Gewissen habe ich dann doch, denn hier wartet noch a huge pile of work.
BUT, it was really a really schööööööööner day.
Do I create tomorrow just twice as much ;-))).
I will move my blogger to the next round and try a little bit to sleep.
possessions etc.bewundert already your beautiful pictures has probably snowed today in Germany thick wool flakes ... Posted by Celine: "Frau Holle is today, but pretty hard."

I wish you a good night.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Labeling Parts Of A Frog

Julen närmar sig

hey, Christmas is fast approaching
~ In 10 days, it finally happened.
My kids can hardly wait, and count each day your purse on the Advent calendar.
My humble self as always is much to do, and I am so incredibly tense.
I have so far all 4 Gifts ;-))), and I have planned for this year so much.
... But my optimism wins I'll insert a few night shifts ;-))).
Last night, our backyard garden again transformed into a winter wonderland.
It looks so beautiful this morning, these recordings have directly made for you.
As a true Christian Kindel, born on 25/12 ... I love the winter and enjoy it year after year.
Lillehus The big Christmas lottery goes on ...
Each gives me until 24.12.2010 a comment to this post or to
official Christmas contest post jumps, with the Lostopf.
have written all the reports are already beautiful, drawn separately.
We simply extend the contest a bissel, it is so exciting ;-))).
If you like, grab a little picture and link to the Christmas raffle Lillehus
on your Blog or on your Internetseite.Wir are very pleased with your participation!
The pine cones can be found now in our shop .

I wish you all a beautiful day in the snow, enjoy the holiday season full of anticipation.
Tonight, I treat myself to a full round of Blogger.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Completion Letter For Community Service

Min Star of Bethlehem

transformed Lillehus ~ The Hofgarten is within 5 hours to the Winter Wonderland. Since 18:00 Uhr fielen knapp 35 cm Neuschnee. Diese Impressionen musste ich einfach für euch einfangen ;-))).

Mein Stern zu Bethlehem~ habe ich von der lieben Anja und Ihrer Familie bekommen,
an dieser Stelle danke ich euch von Herzen für das wundervolle Geschenk.
Ich freue mich sooooooooo sehr darüber!!!
Liebe A(NN) vielen Dank für den Tipp mit der Lichterkette ;-))).

Stern über Bethlehem, zeig uns den Weg, führ uns zur Krippe hin, zeig wo sie steht.
Leuchte du uns voran, bis wir dort sind,
Stern über Bethlehem, führ uns zum Kind.
Stern über Bethlehem, bleibe nicht stehn.
Du sollst den steilen Pfad vor uns hergehn.
Führ uns zum Stall und zu Esel und Rind,
Stern über Bethlehem, führ uns zum Kind.
Stern über Bethlehem, nun bleibst du stehn.
Und läßt uns alle das Wunder hier sehn,
das da geschehen, was niemand gedacht,
Stern über Bethlehem, in dieser Nacht.
Stern über Bethlehem, wir sind am Ziel,
denn dieser arme Stall birgt doch so viel.
Du hast uns hergeführt, wir danken dir.
Stern über Bethlehem, wir bleiben hier.
Stern über Bethlehem, kehrn wir zurück.
Steht doch dein heller Schein in unserm Blick,
und was uns froh gemacht, teilen wir aus.
Stern über Bethlehem, schein auch zuhaus.
So your loved ones you can enjoy a relaxing night.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Help 7 Week Old Loosen Phlegm


we tell you to the second Advent, behold the second candle is burning .. .
I wish you and your families a Happy second Sunday of Advent.
Spend a great day together and everything is very relaxed and calmly.
The time with the family ~ what is the most precious definitely in everyday life much too short.
Wir werden heute einen Waldspaziergang machen,
die Natur und den wundervollen Schnee genießen.
Zu Hause angekommen kuscheln wir uns mit selbstgebackenen Plätzchen
und einer Tasse Tee und Schokolade aufs Sofa,
lesen eine Weihnachtsgeschichte und rätseln was uns wohl am 6.12.2010
im Adventskalender erwartet ;-))).
Ich habe es gerade noch rechtzeitig geschafft den Kalender
für meine Kinder & meinen Ehemann anzufertigen.
Ganze 3 Tage habe ich in der Lillehus Werkstatt verbracht.
Aber ich denke das Ergebnis kann can see ;-))).
comes through my career my Christmas always too short,
but so slowly it is here for Christmas.
More pictures ...
can until 24/12/2010 Your jump is still in its Lostopf.
I would like to take this opportunity to Melly of Country Home .
My love, I know it is already ~ a while ago
I thank you wholeheartedly for the IB LAURSEN
BROD doily.
I've got mad.

you and your families a great second Advent Sunday.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Combination Calculator Online Free

Advent Christmas raffle Lillehus

the Lillehus 02.12.-24.12.2010 organized by a major Christmas raffle,
in you can win great prizes worth together 300 EUR.
to Enter / you, by your / you in your / your blog or on your / your website on our blog or our website writes and points to this competition.
The first photo you can take with you for it ;-))).
Störbert a little on our pages here or here
and you / you think a nice topic about your / you want to report.
These are our prices for you / You ;-))).
first Price 1 plate rack Oliver Furniture
2nd prize of a hanging shelf Oliver Furniture
third Price 1 Lillehus voucher worth 25 EUR
4-6 Prize: 1 Green Gate Item
7 - 10 Price: one article of Krasilnikoff Denmark

What do / you have to do to participate in the competition?
Yes, now is the extent Ihr dürft für mich arbeiten ;-))).
Ganz einfach: Um an diesem Gewinnspiel teilnehmen zu können,
solltet Ihr/ Sie einen Blogeintrag über das Lillehus schreiben.
In diesem Eintrag sollen insgesamt folgende 3 Links eingebaut werden:

I help you / you posted your / your blog post and put the links? Then send you / us an e-mail or a comment
with the URL to the blog entry:

~ the only way we can determine at the end who will participate in the competition.

I all participants keep our fingers crossed
and am very excited about your / your reports.

the obligatory fine print
As will determine the winner?
We regard the reports of all participating blogs will attach to a folder and then select the posts occupied by the 1-3 place.
the 4-10 place, we will determine using.
The best report will be published on our website and our blog.
The winners will be announced on 12/26/2010 known.
What to consider?
The registration deadline is 24.12.2010 by 24 Clock. Winners will be selected, written by e-mail and in our blog announced. The first and second prize is one piece of furniture the company Oliver Furniture.
Each participant may enter a maximum of 3 blogs,
to increase his chances of winning.
for each participating blog must have a separate e-mail to participate sent .
No longer existing posts can not participate in the competition.
of law is of course impossible.

Now I'm really excited and wish you a lot of fun.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tip Of Big Toe Hurts And Grey Colored

Första Advent

Advent, Advent is burning a little light, first one then two then three then four then available
the Christ child at the door.
Yes, dear ones, it is already time again.
I wish you and your families a wonderful, quiet and relaxing
Christmas and hope you a nice 1.Advent had.
Straight in time and I've managed to
for me and my loved ones a Christmas wreath to conjure.
Be not angry with me but the Lillehus Christmas raffle will start only after all
on 01.12.2010, there's something formal has to be prepared.
Unfortunately I have not previously done SORRY, but I think you rejoice anyway ;-)))
I wish you a great first Advent evening.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is There Anything Like Jibjab

Hereinspaziert !

;-))) I'm back and I want you today to a virtual tour of the 1st
Lillehus-Hofgarten of Advent invite.
Grab a shopping basket and let's go :-))).
The idea comes from the way Andrella thanks for the inspiration.
weeks have prepared us all with great attention to detail,
have executed a fever every day on the 21.11.2010,
have pondered long nights are what to eat, how much we need
decorate as we what and where and how many people will accept our invitation?
Our plan worked,
we have calculated correctly and we would have never expected such an onslaught ;-))). Thank you to all who have followed our invitation, we were very pleased.
really happy I was to high Blogger visit ;-))).
It was so nice to see you again and meet ;-))).
As far way you have left behind you ~
I hope you all come home safely?
I'm so sorry that I could not really care about you.
I ask for understanding. not
Thank you also for your sweetheart gift,
that would have been necessary I'm still quite overwhelmed!

The White Christmas Corner is bought up a few items blank ;-))).
What I now decorate the store ;-)))?
No, I worry of course as soon as possible for supplies.
but now I will speak at the pictures ;-)))
~ all Christmas items and items can be found here tomorrow and here.
~ Christmas the Red corner the children liked best!
would prefer you bought everything ;-))).
However, we were able to inspire all children for a warm French bread on a campfire.
Many's mom to have but then let it soften and have one or other item bought ;-)))... one who can PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE MAMA resist already ;-))).
My humble self, at least not ;-))).

~ The Purple Christmas table is an absolute eye catcher and a favorite of many People.
~ sounds like you still I'm still overwhelmed and speechless.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU for a truly wonderful day.
Now we still have a lot of work
everything has to be cleared again on the spot even though I could stay out all year round Decorated. But yes, we need space for our next event ;-))).
Then it goes to me like Anja von butiksofie I swim in a mountain full
Orders and my children had in the last few days of not much to me.
why is it now my first priority.
I'm going to come visit but ;-))) and comment again!

But, I had already announced shortly you have a bissel work for me ;-))):
On 11/28/2010 a great start here Lillehus Christmas raffle.

you a nice day.
very soon ;-))).

Herzliche Grüße